The Lean Teen Challenge
Lean Teen's Wellness Program is an active process that teaches teens to become aware of the choices that are present in everyday life, and to understand that each individual has a responsibility to themselves to nurture the body, mind, and spirit. Lean Teen will show teens that staying in shape and eating healthy can help lead to an active lifestyle full of health and happiness.
At Lean Teen, we believe in the power of nature to promote and improve wellness. Get Outside!! Join us on one of our awesome hikes, bike treks, sports practices & camps, or camping adventures. No TV's, no internet, no phones, just you and your Lean Teen mates exploring, competing, summitting, and adventuring.
Now hey, no one said life isn't going to have some challenges. It's how you deal with the challenges.
The Lean Teen Wellness Program can help you learn resiliency skills. Resiliency skills are ways of dealing with life's challenges.
Some of these resiliency skills include:
- Finding goals and staying motivated
- Enjoying an activity that is part of your routine each day
- Handling stressful situations better
- Changing negative habits
- Thinking optimistically
- Gaining self-confidence
- Solving life problems more effectively
- Getting more involved with your community
- Communicating better with others
"Obsticles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." - Michael Jordan