The Big Kahuna
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The Big Kahuna »Polls

(Fitness Trainer; Pilates Instructor; Outdoor Adventure Guide)
Lives in Santa Monica, California United States · Born on October 1 · Activity points (26789)
The Big Kahuna
What is your favorite season?
June 13, 2017 by
What is your favorite season?
The Big Kahuna
Which of these is your favorite subject?
August 10, 2017 by
Which of these is your favorite subject?
The Big Kahuna
What's your favorite type of physical activity?
September 7, 2017 by
What's your favorite type of physical activity?
The Big Kahuna
What time of day do you like to workout?
September 7, 2017 by
What time of day do you like to workout?
The Big Kahuna
What is your dietary preference?
September 7, 2017 by
What is your dietary preference?