The Big Kahuna
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The Big Kahuna »Polls

(Fitness Trainer; Pilates Instructor; Outdoor Adventure Guide)
Lives in Santa Monica, California United States · Born on October 1 · Activity points (26789)
The Big Kahuna
How many people do you live with?
September 13, 2017 by
How many people do you live with?
The Big Kahuna
What time do you go to sleep at night?
September 13, 2017 by
What time do you go to sleep at night?
The Big Kahuna
Where do you shop for groceries?
September 13, 2017 by
Where do you shop for groceries?
The Big Kahuna
How many times a week do you cook dinner at home?
September 13, 2017 by
How many times a week do you cook dinner at home?
The Big Kahuna
How do you get to school?
September 11, 2017 by
How do you get to school?